
How we shut our business for a month over summer and 2 weeks at Christmas

Fiona Wylie

Over the last five years, I've learnt the importance of taking a break. It is so easy to become caught up in the relentless pursuit of winning, working and being busy - sometimes even for the sake of working.

While the thought of stepping away initially sends me into a head-spin, the benefits of allowing myself time away far outweighs this. In recent years I’ve been able to down tools and take August off and close the business over Christmas. Here’s how, and why, I do it.

First and foremost, for me, taking a break is about being able to come back with renewed energy and more focussed creativity. Whilst stepping away from the day-to-day responsibilities of managing a business can be mentally taxing – “Will everything be ok?” - having a break absolutely gives me a new lease of life.

Moreover, time off allows for better decision-making. Constantly being immersed in the details of work can lead to tunnel vision - I’ve been there many times! I’ve learnt that I have to take a proper step back to enable me to see the bigger picture, to identify areas for change and to make strategic decisions that may have been overlooked in the midst of running a fast-paced consultancy. I am sure you have heard of the expression “can’t see the wood for the trees” – well this is exactly what I mean. To avoid this happening, I schedule in chunks of time away from Brand Champions to rest and reset.

The secret ingredient to stepping away without worry is; TRUST. I trust my team. My team are my business which is one of my top pieces of advice when thinking about building a work life that suits you: employ people who are great at their jobs and who have the confidence to make decisions even when you are not around.

Naturally, taking a break is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, but it can be very hard to do properly. I have two children, and my busy work/home schedule can sometimes feel like I’m choosing between them. It is very important for my family to know that when I am off work, I am 100% available to them and this is something I work hard at. Having boundaries in place means everyone knows where they stand – including me!

I have been in business long enough to know that neglecting personal well-being in the pursuit of professional success leads to stress, fatigue, and decreased productivity – I have seen it happen many times, and this is why I plan ahead to protect my own well-being and the well-being of Brand Champions.

Finally, it is important to know that taking time off from running a business isn’t a sign of weakness, but a strategic move for long-term success. I am a firm believer that time away is an investment in well-being, creativity, and overall effectiveness as a business leader and it makes running a business, dealing with clients and looking after a team so much more enjoyable.

So as we approach Christmas 2023, my team and I are meeting with all of our clients and getting ready to having some time away from work, knowing that after a few mine pies and a couple of glasses of fizz we’ll be back raring to go for a fun and successful 2024.

Written by
Fiona Wylie
Written by
December 19, 2023