
What are the 10 most popular AI tools in the world (hint: #1 is ChatGPT)?

And the top five losers - headed by Craiyon and Midjourney
BizAge News Team

AI is a smash hit right now. But which engines enjoyed the biggest traffic gains in the last year? Here are are the top ten winners, and five worst losers.

1. ChatGPT: Launched in November 2022, it quickly dominated with 14.6 billion visits over 10 months, averaging 1.5 billion monthly.

2. Character AI: Introduced in September 2022, it captivated users, accumulating 3.8 billion visits and surging by 463.4 million within a year.

3. Google Bard: Google's March 2023 entry saw a remarkable 241.6 million visits in just 6 months.

4. Janitor AI: A unique chatbot from May 2023, it experienced a quick rise with 192.4 million visits in 4 months.

5. Perplexity AI: Established by ex-Google staff in August 2022, it progressed rapidly, drawing 134.3 million users in 9 months.

6. Civitai: An AI art hub since November 2022, it climbed to 177.2 million visits within 10 months.

7. Leonardo AI: From December 2022, this visual asset tool became a creator's choice, gathering 101.6 million visits over 9 months.

8. ElevenLabs: With advanced voice AI since October 2022, it attracted 88.6 million users in 11 months.

9. CapCut: An established video tool from April 2020, it consistently pulled 203.8 million visits in the past year.

10. An AI content tool from 2018, it maintained its grip with 133.5 million users over the year.

Leading 5 AI Tools with Noticeable Traffic Loss in the Past Year

1. Craiyon: Between September 2022 and August 2023,, an AI image generator, lost 15 million visits, possibly due to growing competition. They averaged 10.7M monthly, with a monthly drop of 1.4M.

2. MidJourney: Another AI image tool, MidJourney, launched in July 2022, faced an 8.66 million visitor dip over the year. Despite a strong 41.7M monthly average, they saw a monthly decline of 787.7K.

3. Quillbot: An established AI writing tool, Quillbot lost 5 million visits in 12 months, perhaps due to rising chatbot rivals. Still, they held a robust 94.6M monthly traffic, with a 461.4K monthly drop.

4. Jasper: An early AI writing platform, Jasper's traffic decreased by 1.27 million visits over the year, possibly affected by giants like ChatGPT. They averaged 7.9M monthly and faced a 115.1K monthly loss.

5. Zyro: An AI-enhanced website builder, Zyro saw a 1.09 million visitor decline in 12 months, potentially due to growing AI feature competitors. They recorded a 5M monthly average and a decline of 99.4K each month.

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BizAge News Team
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December 6, 2023
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December 6, 2023