
Why Instagram is my preferred social platform for business

And how to make the most from it, by the 2023 GB Entrepreneur Awards Winner
Inge Hunter

When you’re looking to grow your brand and generate leads, I truly believe that Instagram is where you need to be. For me, the platform is unbeatable and Í’ve been helping others with harnessing its full potential.

Why Instagram?

1. Effortless Client Discovery

Finding potential clients on Instagram is a piece of cake. The platform’s search function and hashtag system make it so easy to find your target audience. Whether you’re exploring hashtags or location tags, you can connect with the right people in no time. This is a game-changer for local businesses looking to build a community.

2. Super Sociable and Interactive

Instagram is all about interaction. It’s totally normal to slide into someone’s DMs and introduce yourself. In fact, it’s encouraged! Engaging with other users through likes, comments, and messages builds meaningful relationships. Networking is so natural on Instagram, and I’ve made countless business connections through simple DMs and comments, leading to amazing collaborations.

3. Creative Playground

Instagram is a visual paradise, perfect for showing off your brand’s personality. From Stories and Reels to Photos, there are so many ways to get creative. Use interactive features like polls, questions, and quizzes in Stories to boost engagement. The more your audience interacts, the more your account grows. I once launched a poll on my Stories asking for feedback on a new product idea, and the response was overwhelming. It really helped guide our next steps.

Making the Most of Instagram for Business

1. Craft a Cohesive Aesthetic

First impressions are everything. Your Instagram profile should look appealing and reflect your brand’s identity. Use consistent colours, filters, and styles to make your profile stand out. When we revamped our Instagram feed to match our brand colours and style, we saw a noticeable increase in engagement. It really makes a difference!

2. Master Stories and Reels

Stories and Reels are total game changers. Use Stories to give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your business, making your brand feel personal and accessible. Reels are perfect for creating short, engaging videos that can go viral. These formats are favoured by Instagram’s algorithm, so they’re great for boosting your reach. After we started consistently posting Reels, our reach shot up significantly.

3. Hashtag Strategy

Hashtags are your best friend for expanding reach. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags relevant to your business. Keep a list of effective hashtags handy and include them in your posts and Stories. This simple strategy can significantly boost your content’s visibility. By using a blend of industry-specific and trending hashtags, we doubled our post impressions in just a few weeks.

4. Engage Authentically

Building relationships on Instagram isn’t just about posting content. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, liking their posts, and commenting on their content. Authentic engagement fosters a loyal community and turns followers into brand advocates. People appreciate genuine interactions and are more likely to support brands that engage authentically. Spending a few minutes each day interacting with followers can really boost your engagement rates.

5. Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are fantastic for boosting engagement and growing your follower base. Encourage participants to follow your account, like the post, and tag friends. This not only increases your visibility but also creates excitement around your brand. Make sure the prizes are relevant and valuable to your target audience to attract genuine participants. A recent giveaway we ran tripled our follower count and created a lasting buzz around our brand.

6. Analyse and Adapt

Instagram provides valuable insights into your audience’s behaviour and the performance of your posts. Regularly review these analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Focus on metrics like engagement rates, reach, and follower growth. Use this data to refine your strategy and keep your content resonating with your audience. By closely monitoring our analytics, we’ve been able to tailor our content strategy, resulting in a significant increase in engagement over the last six months.

In summary, Instagram’s mix of visual appeal, interactivity, and ease of use makes it the perfect platform for businesses looking to grow their brand and generate leads. By crafting a cohesive aesthetic, mastering Stories and Reels, using hashtags strategically, engaging authentically, running contests, and regularly analysing your performance, you can make the most of Instagram. Embrace creativity, stay strategic, and watch your business thrive on Instagram in 2024.

About Inge Hunter

Inge is the CEO and founder of Clue Content based in Cambridge. She was recently awarded Creative Entrepreneur of the Year and has been accepted onto an Innovate UK scheme to develop her game-changing AI and machine learning technology. Based in Cambridge, Inge is a serial entrepreneur who has built and grown businesses since she was 17. She has created and built mobile cocktail bar, a wedding and corporate event planning company and a social media marketing agency

Written by
May 30, 2024
Written by
Inge Hunter
May 30, 2024