Ranked: top UK universities for startups

Universities pride themselves on the number of startups generated - and not just for the chance to recoup a few quid in donations in the future.
It's a matter of prestige and a reflection of the skills learned on campus.
A new ranking of UK universities reveals the top performers - and it's pretty surprising.
The top three are: the Royal College of Art, Kingston University, and Falmouth.
The data, which includes sole traders, goes back to 2014/15, and is compiled by Tide, the business account for small companies and sole traders.
Tide says: "The fact that the Royal College and other arts universities produced so many businesses is likely due to the fact that a large number of artists and people in creative industries are self-employed.
The London-based university focuses on art and design degrees but has produced businesses in a wide range of sectors such as agriculture and healthcare tech, construction, and more through its InnovationRCA enterprise centre."
Tide also crunched the numbers to find the university producing the startups with the highest intellectual property income. Top of the list: Oxford with £213m since 2014/15.
A further aspect of the research is patents granted:
1. The University of Oxford – 3,086
2. The University of Cambridge – 1,377
3. University College London – 835
Methodology: All figures sourced from HESA’s intellectual property, start-ups and spin-offs data and refer to graduates from between the 2014/15 and 2019/20 academic years.